VITAL SIGNS for Parents

Does Your Child Have an Emotional Support Plan?

Parents are preppers. It’s what we do.

We all have that stockpile of assorted bandages, topical antibiotics, throat lozenges, and countless formulations to fight a nasty cold or upset stomach. We anticipate the scraped knee and cold and flu season.

That being said, our children’s health is more than the sum of their body parts. Supporting our children’s mental health and well-being is just as important.

Your child doesn’t have to be experiencing a mental health emergency to employ the benefits of a safety and wellness plan. Take the time to create an emotional support plan with your child in advance of emotionally challenging times:  

  • My warning signs: List specific emotions, thoughts, physical responses, behaviors, etc., that indicate your child may be struggling.
  • My coping strategies: List activities that will benefit your child during this time, such as hanging out with friends and family, exercising, maintaining healthy routines, meditation, therapy, etc.
  • My support system: List the names and contact information for specific family members, friends, teachers, counselors, pastors, etc., who will help guide your child through this.
  • My emergency numbers: 988 crisis counseling support and other trusted adults who can get your child the help they need.

All children struggle at some point in development, and that’s okay. You have the power to prepare them for that. Your child’s personal emotional support plan will prepare them in advance with the self-awareness to recognize when they are struggling and the coping strategies and support network to help them through it. 

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