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Jackie & David Siegel

David and Jackie Siegel’s world was forever changed when their 18-year-old daughter Victoria died of a drug overdose on June 6, 2015.

In the depths of their despair, David and Jackie dedicated themselves to understanding how this tragedy came to pass. And in doing so, they learned a great deal about the drug epidemic stealing young lives in our country.

Ask Rikki 

David and Jackie’s daughter, Victoria “Rikki” Siegel, was a bright, curious, kind-hearted teenager, whose memory continues to live on through the efforts, outreach, and impact of Victoria’s Voice. In her honor, we have created Rikki, our dedicated AI assistant.

Rikki is here to help you find answers to any question you may have about the foundation and our programs. Simply click the butterfly icon at the bottom-right to chat with Rikki now!